

Participation & Conduct

随着世界问题的压力和现代生活的要求, 个人定期抽出时间进行娱乐活动是很重要的, 以帮助保持健康的心理平衡.

校内项目的目标是为CSC的每个人提供参加他们最喜欢的竞技体育或活动的机会, and to provide the opportunity to:.

  • Maintain better health through exercise.
  • 建立在课堂上不容易建立的社会联系和友谊.
  • 学习通过团队精神和合作培养的重要价值观.
  • 体验属于一个群体的满足感.
  • 从繁重的学业和快节奏的现代生活中放松.
  • Develop sportsmanship of the highest order. 在激烈的竞争中体会到参加你最喜欢的运动的快乐和乐趣, regardless of your ability.
  • Develop sports skills, usable in later life.

Health & Physical Examinations


Please Read CSC Intramural Sports Handbook

CSC Spring 2024 Intramural Schedule


5v5 Basketball League

  • Co Rec, Men’s, Women’s
  • Registration: Jan 8th – Jan 12th
  • Captain’s Meeting Jan 15th 5:00pm
  • League Play: Jan 16th – Feb 15th


4 Person Bowling League

  • Open Division
  • Registration: Jan 22nd -Feb 6th
  • Captain’s meeting Feb 7th 5:00pm
  • League Play: Feb 12th -26th, Mar 11th -18th  (Monday’s)


Pickleball Tournament

  • Open
  • Registration: Feb 19th – Feb 29th  
  • Tournament: Feb 29th 


4v4 Indoor Volleyball League

  • Co Rec, Women’s
  • Registration: Feb 26th – Mar 12th
  • Captain’s Meeting Mar 13th 5:00pm
  • League Play: Mar14th – Apr 4th
  • Playoffs: Apr 9th -11th


March Madness

  • Brackets Due: March 21st prior to first game


3v3 Basketball  

  • Co Rec, Men’s
  • Registration: Nov 20 – Nov 29
  • Tournament: Nov 30


Spike-ball Tournament

  • Co Rec
  • Registration: April 1st -Apr 18th
  • Tournament: April 18th



Eligibility & Ineligibility

Intramural Units and Teams


  • 所有参与者必须是在校学生(或配偶), CSC employees (or spouses), or CSC Alumni.
  • 任何学生都可以参加所有被认可的校园组织安排的活动, 只要他们是该组织的正式成员
  • A player may play only on one team in each sport
  • A player will be considered a member of that team, 如果他们参加正式安排的校内联赛比赛或将他们的名字列入官方花名册
  • 球员可以参加兄弟会或姐妹会的校内活动, 只要他们是该组织的“积极”成员或已经支付了他们的认捐费.
  • 参赛队和队员的名字必须填写在正式的校内报名表上, prior to the entry deadline
  • 每支队伍必须在表格上列出足够的合资格队员,以便在报名截止日期前提供足够的运动员参加有关项目
  • 新球员可以在任何时候加入,只要他们符合校内规则. 例外:新球员不能加入季后赛或季后赛
  • 球员必须至少参加两场定期比赛, prior to any tournaments or postseason games
  • 参加过体育运动的转学生有资格参加校内比赛


  • 目前的校队运动员:个人的名字出现在球队花名册或在CSC校际运动队的资格名单, or any other four-year institution, including transfer students, 在被列入名单的学年内,不得参加类似的校内运动.
  • 大学代表队和大学新生队的候选人没有资格参加他们正在练习的体育运动, 如果该运动的校内赛季已经开始. 例如,垒球学生运动员没有资格参加校内垒球比赛.
  • 在同一项运动的校内赛季开始后退学的新生或校队队员, 将没有资格参加本年的同一校内运动.
  • 田径校队或新生候选人如果参加过任何大一或校队比赛或运动会,则没有资格参加校内田径比赛, exhibition or otherwise, during the current school year.
  • Intercollegiate athletes who have been redshirted, who have become academically ineligible, 或者因为不专业的行为而被禁止参加的学生,在他们被列入名单的学年里,没有资格参加类似的校内体育项目.
  • 前校际运动员没有资格参加类似的校内体育赛事,直到他们最后一次校际合作后的一个完整学年过去.


**不符合资格的违规行为将导致该游戏的“损失”, 这支球队将没有资格参加季后赛.

Team Information & Entry Forms

Team Captains

每队必须有一名队长或代表负责协调队员和校内体育项目. Duties include:

  • Confirm eligibility of all team members.
  • 在官方球队花名册上列出的预定截止日期之前,提交他/她的团队的每个成员所需的信息.
  • Attend, or send a representative to attend, 在赛季开始前安排的经理会议.
  • 从校园娱乐中心领取团队时间表,并通知团队成员所有预定的比赛日期, location, and time.
  • Have team ready to play as scheduled.
  • Be familiar with, 确保团队熟悉并遵守校内政策和运动规则.
  • 当他/她的队伍必须缺席比赛时,通知Campus Recreation.
  • 接收所有来自校园娱乐的关于规则变化的信件, tournament structure, etc.不符合资格的队员、队伍在比赛中的行为等.
  • 地址如有更改,请立即通知校园康乐部, telephone number or change in team captain.


提交的名单不能保证入选联赛, as more teams may apply than can be accommodated. Teams are accepted in order of receipt of roster. 花名册必须在公布的截止日期前上交. Late teams will be added to a waiting list.